Sunday, May 4, 2008

Spice Garden with Shouters @ Part 1

Went to Spice Garden during SaeWei's and Benjipapa's Birthday.
Benjipapa was working and didn't show up himself.
We had a lot of fun in Spice Garden!
Before enter the garden, we have to spray some kind of oil in our skin.
I don't know what is that, but i don't like that smell!
So let's start with all the pictures story now!
Pretty Emily!

Leave a Footprint 1st!

4 Girls and a Guy!
The redcap Elise!

SaeWei, Emily, Minny & Me!

We brought foods!

Emily and Pokok Ali!

I fell =.=

Birthday Girl & Me!

SaeWei & Me again!
Thanks FireWire for this picture!

Then i camwhore a bit!

I took this for SaeWei

We found the Traditional FishSpa in Penang!

Happy Feet!

Charles and Me

The 2 couples

Me, Lasker & Elise

Watch them raped by fishes!
Charles & Emily

Stay tuned for Part 2!
I gotta go due to work.
Will update soon!


The J said...

Itu ikan tak gigit ke??????


William said...

Wah, your roti babi punya kawan wear the dress very singkat le... :P