My dad went to catch these type of prawns and put them in aquarium. Some of them kinda huge, and this is one of them, the size is quite average. Prawnie oh prawnie, you are so naughty!!!!!!! I use straw and try to provoke it, and it really try to hurt the straw. So naughty and fierce, scary but cute.
hey hey my godpa got the same prawns as urs~!~ hahahha he bought it from market. said it was 'imported' from australia. i wonder how true is it! the prawnie looks awesome u noe n GANAS~!~ haha
Hmmm.... BBQ~~~~
go where catch prawn?
Are you all planning to cook them or what?
hey hey my godpa got the same prawns as urs~!~ hahahha he bought it from market. said it was 'imported' from australia. i wonder how true is it!
the prawnie looks awesome u noe n GANAS~!~ haha
ermmmm..... u eat them???? hehehe! or just pet?
u eat or u keep???? i love prawns hehe but i onli eat cooked prawn lol :P
u guys don't ever think of eating it!!!!
It is a pet only!!!!
and this type of prawn cannot eat one!!!!!!!!!
wei really meh? my godpa asked the seller, he said its edible wor...its from australia......
prove to us! prove to us! u got the prawns :P ahaks
The prawn look like if you touch it, your finger will very pain! >.<
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