Last night was having supper with some of my colleague.
Guess what?
While i am waiting for them, i turned into a no entry road.
I just stopped at the side there.
Notice : I was just stopped at the side there!
After 1 minute.
Two policeman came to me.
Police : Apasal kat sini? Lorong ini no entry tau?
Me : Tunggu kawan, sekejap saja tuan.
Then he repeated again.
Police: Sini lorong no entry tau?
Me i tunggu kawan kat tepi saja.
I was thinking that he is trying to hint me something.
I just kept quiet and ignore that sentence.
You wanna give summon then you just give, don't try to talk crap to me.
As he can see that my friends were just behind me, starting their car engine.
Once again he repeated: Ini lorong no entry punya, mana you kerja?
Me: GSC, depan saja, kat Gurney Plaza.
Police: GSC?
Me: Pawagam.
Police: Oooo..
Then he followed by: buka saman ya.
Me: Ok!
After writing all those craps.
He pass the summon to me.
I took it, then i said: Thank you.
Drive away and put them behind.
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