Monday, July 23, 2007

A Free Day At Gurney Plaza

Yesterday i was so bored at home, and then hang to Gurney Plaza.
There was a photo fair, alot of stalls having promotion and selling the cameras for last day.

Besides that, i think they can have a chance to grab cash from the cash box if they buy the cameras.
This guy grabbed nothing, so cool him.

After that went up to GSC, and then hang around amusement park there, my favourite destination.

When my friends reached, and after some discussion, we finally decided to watch "Vacancy"

If i am not mistaken,
The story is about a wife and her husband but ready to divorce,
and before they divorce because the death of their son, they planned to go somewhere else.
But unluckily, their car broke down on the halfway along the journey,
and then they reach a small town, and get a emergency repair for their broken down car.
They will never expect that the small town is running the business of recording the case of murdering and then sell to the others, and they fall into the trap.
wanna know more about this movie? Go and watch it!
A bit horror but really nice!
80 out of 100 for this movie.

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