Cam whore queen Wendy!!!!
And Here Comes 2 Curang Partner!!!!!! Benjipapa And Wendy!!!!!
After playing pool, we went chat chat chat with aL
She "eat snake" and come out find us.
After that we went to Toy's rus, and that is the place we found the Optimus Prime Mask,
It is so nice, got sounds, can transfer our voice into robot's voice some more!!!
But the price... err.... RM169, swt.... *wonder that who can buy me*
Finished hang around Toy's rus, Then we went to food court and have our teatime.
After we clear all the foods, i started to cry, until we left.
Wanna know why? Cause our clown is there,
Who else can beat him as clown? swt.....
And i showed them a short video clips, It is funny with different Chap Pa Lang language.
I found it in youtube, so i post it to here.
That's IT!
Besides that, i found a little game for everyone to release their stress,
Wanna play? >>>!!!CLICK HERE!!!<<<
It helps on releasing stress!!!
Transform and Roll out!
lolz, the helmet so nice lahz!!!!
but too expensive, or else i sure buy one!!!!!!!
you should have camwhore with that helmet..=D
not i dun wan geh,
but it is not allowed,
we got catch after i took all these pics,
and then i stopped d
haha... so nice la... can still play like kids in toy r'us. :D
lalalalal the helmet is nice... but too exp la..
got record any sound?
erlynda, i wanna buy lehz!!! too expensive!!!!
Papa: buy for me u rich fellow!!!!
Elise, we din record any, but it is fun!!!!
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