hey, thanks for stopping my blog. cool blog u got here. i'll definately stopping again soon!! btw, kesian your face la kena buli like dat..and u so 'guai' let them do it to u hahaha
Raymond, they are all my classmate and we are just having fun, very exciting also lar, lol. William, face got raped only, not body also, =___=" zhengdhong? Why lar you laugh like that only =___=" SaeWei, ask the Charles ler, he said wanna take pictures then the rest semua lai liao =___=" TZ, small boy pulak.*sweats*
hey, thanks for stopping my blog. cool blog u got here. i'll definately stopping again soon!! btw, kesian your face la kena buli like dat..and u so 'guai' let them do it to u hahaha
take care!!
Kena rape?! Got do body check up mou? :P
OMG! haha!
What the heck are they doing to my ah di?????? MAU KENA HANTAM AH???
Dude, not that bad ... only your face got raped LoL... just like small boy got "Cubit" :-p
treated it as facial massage... hahaha...
Raymond, they are all my classmate and we are just having fun, very exciting also lar, lol.
William, face got raped only, not body also, =___="
zhengdhong? Why lar you laugh like that only =___="
SaeWei, ask the Charles ler, he said wanna take pictures then the rest semua lai liao =___="
TZ, small boy pulak.*sweats*
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