At the end, my spirit won this match.
I woke up, bathed, then went to 11am class.
Today's class kinda enjoy, but i am damn sleepy and tired.
Last night was reading Harry Potter until 3something in the morning.
Lunch time, went to my aunt's house.
Found something special, have you guys seen a egg that the shape is round?
i met Emily, her sister, and her sister's boyfriend in the college, then we all went to registered and got ourselves a new SIM card.
I got a Hotlink number and a Digi number but i never try Celcom, now i have the chance.
Let's see how it works, then i will share my opinion.
I finish the 2 book within 2 days.
2 books in 2 days !! wow that's amazing. you rock !! ;)
Ya.. So terror.. 2 entire BOOKS!!!.. Cool dude!.. =D
I cant even finish ONE book in few months time!.. haha~
eh... u still got 6 more harry potter stories to go la... kekeke
i stil havent finished my hary potter 6. ive already been reading it for like a week and i only managed to finish about 7 chapters. phew! i was im not that busy to finish reading it . hehe. nway that egg looks really cute. havent seen one like it yet. :D bloghopping :D
i also just finish watching harry porter last movie today nia... hehe... lazy wanna read the book mar...
walao.. the egg so cute wan ar... keep the shell lar... make 1 small hole then take out the the egg and then the wash the shell and can spary colours lor... hehe
Levian, you can do it too if u likes the book very much.
Jason, still ok lar. got time mah can lor.
Pikey, the one i read is the last one already lar. =.=
Dorkzter, u so slow :P and thx for coming!
Dexxie, movie one hor, they cut alot lor. Books are more details
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